
Hauling furniture? Not necessary! Single flat in Kreuzkölln

Wel­co­me to your new home base in one of the city's most exci­ting dis­tricts: Kreuzkölln!

The smart 1-room flat in our new­ly built gar­den house offers ever­y­thing you need for a com­for­ta­ble start.

The inclu­si­ve rent includes ever­y­thing from elec­tri­ci­ty to the licence fee. - and of cour­se you can stay as long as you want, becau­se the con­tract is unlimited.

The fur­nis­hings in Scan­di­na­vi­an-inspi­red lines not only include a cosy bed, sea­ting area and desk, but also a ful­ly equip­ped fit­ted kit­chen and Smart TV.

Sur­fing on the couch, chil­ling out on the fur­nis­hed bal­c­o­ny, strol­ling along the Maybachufer:

Let yours­elf be con­vin­ced by the loca­ti­on and the cosi­ness during an indi­vi­du­al viewing.

We look for­ward to see­ing you!

Further information

Num­ber of rooms
0 Room(s)
New buil­ding
Ful­ly furnished
Fit­ted kit­chen incl. inventory

In addi­ti­on to HQE cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on for par­ti­cu­lar­ly sus­tainable con­s­truc­tion, you can expect the fol­lo­wing stan­dard of equip­ment here:

- Under­flo­or hea­ting (dis­trict hea­ting) and cen­tral hot water supply
- Fit­ted kit­chen with Mie­le appliances
- White plas­te­red walls
- Exter­nal sun shad­ing with elec­tric control
- Sta­te-of-the-art ven­ti­la­ti­on system
- Easy-care design flo­o­ring from Joka in wood look
- Ele­gant grey tiles from Vil­leroy & Boch in the bathrooms
- Ter­race and/or balcony
- Insu­la­ting glazing
- Lift at ground level


A litt­le bit of Kreuz­berg, a litt­le bit of Neu­kölln ~ that's Kreuzkölln!

Here, whe­re the boun­da­ries bet­ween the dis­tricts beco­me blur­red, you will find one of the most exci­ting cor­ners of the city around Hermannplatz.

Long remo­ved from its for­mer "grub­by kid" image, Kreuz­kölln is now con­side­red one of THE hot­spots for a pre­do­mi­nant­ly young, inter­na­tio­nal clientele.

Num­e­rous pubs, cafés and gal­le­ries can be explo­red at any time of day or night - there's always some­thing going on!

Whe­ther pet­ting ponies in the Hasen­hei­de, fly­ing kites on Tem­pel­ho­fer Feld or par­ty­ing in Huxley's New World: away from the par­ty tou­rism and the clas­sic sights, in Kreuz­kölln you can com­ple­te­ly indul­ge in the ori­gi­nal Ber­lin fee­ling and dis­co­ver the city for yourself.

And if you do want to get out of your own neigh­bour­hood, the under­ground lines 7 and 8 as well as the Ring­bahn and Metro­bus direct to the main rail­way sta­ti­on pro­vi­de excel­lent public trans­port connections.


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