
Covi­vio is on the Ber­lin hori­zon with its new, fresh living con­cept "Co-Living". Co-living is not just about living, but rather about a new atti­tu­de to life and the spi­rit of com­mu­ni­ty. Our con­cept is based on trust and offers full trans­pa­ren­cy in addi­ti­on to the com­bi­na­ti­on of your pri­va­te realm and the com­mu­ni­ty. You can expect ful­ly fur­nis­hed, sty­lish rooms, ful­ly equip­ped kit­chens and com­mon are­as with a feel-good design. WiFi and a clea­ning ser­vice for the com­mu­nal are­as are also included in the all-in rent. Are you inte­res­ted in cos­mo­po­li­tan living in a com­mu­ni­ty? Then beco­me part of it and cont­act us direct­ly. We are a young, tren­dy team that loves and lives Ber­lin and have been mana­ging pro­jects with pas­si­on and enthu­si­asm sin­ce 2017.

The company

Covi­vio is one of Europe's lea­ding pro­per­ty com­pa­nies with a histo­ry stret­ching back more than 20 years. As a spe­cia­list in office, hotel and resi­den­ti­al pro­per­ty, Covi­vio is acti­ve in Europe's major metro­po­li­ses and owns and mana­ges pro­per­ties in France, Ger­ma­ny, Ita­ly, Spain and the UK. As an inves­tor and pro­ject deve­lo­per, Covivio's visi­on is to com­bi­ne working, tra­vel­ling and living and to deve­lop inno­va­ti­ve mixed-use concepts.

In Ger­ma­ny, Covi­vio is repre­sen­ted with resi­den­ti­al and hotel pro­per­ties in the cities of Ber­lin, Leip­zig, Dres­den, Ham­burg and the Rhi­ne-Ruhr regi­on. The group also covers the office pro­per­ty sec­tor in Ber­lin. The company's Ger­man pro­per­ty port­fo­lio has an asset value of around EUR 6.5 bil­li­on (as at June 2019). Covi­vio sees its­elf as a long-term ope­ra­tor and relia­ble part­ner for its cus­to­mers, as well as for cities and local aut­ho­ri­ties. By mana­ging its own port­fo­lio and con­stant­ly deve­lo­ping new ser­vices, Covi­vio fol­lows its office, hotel and resi­den­ti­al pro­per­ty users and their needs along the value chain.