
Living where life pulsates: 4-bed flat share near Sonnenallee S-Bahn station!

We offer a beau­tiful and new­ly reno­va­ted flat share with 4 rooms. The rooms have been lovin­g­ly fur­nis­hed and are indi­vi­du­al­ly lockable. The flat also has a ful­ly equip­ped fit­ted kit­chen with modern elec­tri­cal appliances.

The living space of the enti­re flat is approx. 109 m².

Further information

Num­ber of rooms
4 Room(s)
Ful­ly furnished
Fit­ted kitchen
Guest WC
Bath­room with bathtub
First occu­p­an­cy after refurbishment

Room 1 = approx. 10 m² = 720,00 €
Room 2 = approx. 22 m² = ren­ted out
Room 3 = approx. 22 m² = ren­ted out
Room 4 = approx. 17 m² = 830,00 €

The rent includes not only the basic rent for the room, but also hea­ting and ope­ra­ting cos­ts, modern fur­ni­tu­re, high-qua­li­ty equip­ment, GEZ fees, elec­tri­ci­ty and WLAN. A regu­lar clea­ning ser­vice in the com­mu­nal are­as rounds off our uni­que service.


Neu­kölln has around 328,045 inha­bi­tants and was named after the dis­trict of the same name, which makes up the nor­t­hern part of the borough and com­pri­ses the neigh­bour­hoods of Neu­kölln (also known as North Neu­kölln or Neu­kölln North to distin­gu­ish it from the borough), Britz, Buc­kow, Gro­pi­us­stadt and Rudow. Neu­kölln bor­ders the neigh­bour­hood of Kreuz­berg to the north, the dis­trict of Trep­tow-Köpe­nick to the east and Tem­pel­ho­fer Feld to the west.

Neu­kölln is the epony­mous dis­trict of the nor­t­hern­most and most den­se­ly built-up part of the Ber­lin borough of Neu­kölln. Neu­kölln was an inde­pen­dent town until 1920 and was known as Rix­dorf until 1912, with its cent­re at Richardplatz.

Neu­kölln is in! A lively sce­ne has grown up around the Reu­ter­kiez neigh­bour­hood and small gal­le­ries and pubs are ope­ning even in the more remo­te side streets. Espe­ci­al­ly in North Neu­kölln, on the bor­der with Kreuz­berg bet­ween Land­wehr­ka­nal and Son­nen­al­lee, the dis­trict has chan­ged in recent years. That's why some Ber­li­ners call the area Kreuz­kölln. And right in the cent­re: Weser­stra­ße. Today, one cate­ring estab­lish­ment fol­lows the next. The guests are young capi­tal city tou­rists, young fami­lies and stu­dents. They are loo­king for what they expect from Ber­lin in Neu­kölln: a laid-back style, new music and shops with rustic furniture.

The 2.4-hectare Kör­ner­park (Jonas­stra­ße / Schier­ker Stra­ße / Witt­manns­dor­fer Stra­ße) is an out­stan­ding cul­tu­ral and qua­li­ta­ti­ve park for the Neu­kölln dis­trict, both from an artis­tic and town­s­cape perspective.

The Volks­park Hasen­hei­de is now used inten­si­ve­ly by local resi­dents for long walks, sports, games and pic­nics. Fami­lies with child­ren are drawn to the ani­mal enclo­sure with fallow deer, moor­land sheep and pea­cocks. The "Hasen­schän­ke" pub is a popu­lar mee­ting place for young and old. The open-air stage in the cent­re of the park regu­lar­ly hosts music and theat­re events as well as cine­ma scree­nings during the sum­mer months.


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