

Neu­kölln is one of Berlin's most popu­lar and exci­ting dis­tricts, with its mul­ti­cul­tu­ral kit­chens, shi­sha cafés, live music cen­tres and num­e­rous spaces for art and crea­ti­vi­ty. Many things here are insi­der tips or even just tem­po­ra­ry: num­e­rous pop-up events take place in Neukölln.

Like other for­mer West Ber­lin sub­urbs, Neu­kölln has seen a ste­ady increase in the num­ber of peo­p­le from all over the world - which is also reflec­ted in the various restau­rants, super­mar­kets and second-hand shops. Along Son­nen­al­lee, for exam­p­le, whe­re Ara­bic and Tur­ki­sh shops and restau­rants line up side by side. Here you can find the best kebabs, shawarma, fal­a­fel, hum­mus and other stap­le foods from the Midd­le East.


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Markets and shopping facilities

On the edge of Neu­kölln and Kreuz­berg lies the Land­wehr Canal, a good place to read a book or sit with fri­ends in the after­noon sun. The­re are also regu­lar mar­kets along the banks: every Tues­day and Fri­day, for exam­p­le, the­re is a Tur­ki­sh mar­ket (from 11:00 to 18:30), whe­re you can find lots of fresh pro­du­ce, spi­ces, cheese or deli­cious breads as well as clo­thes, jewel­lery and han­di­crafts. In sum­mer, the­re is also a flea mar­ket at the same loca­ti­on, which takes place every second Sun­day. The­re is also a smal­ler, regu­lar mar­ket at Her­mann­platz, abo­ve the sta­ti­on whe­re the under­ground lines U8 and U7 run. The "Dicke Lin­da" is an orga­nic mar­ket - named after a popu­lar pota­to. The weekly mar­ket takes place every Satur­day on Kranoldplatz.


The­re are num­e­rous restau­rants and fast food out­lets along Weser­stra­ße, as well as an abun­dance of tren­dy bars that are very lively and open late every night of the week. In recent years, howe­ver, it has also beco­me incre­asing­ly popu­lar in Ber­lin to sim­ply sit down with a beer in front of one of the many colourful late-night bars, often with ben­ches, and enjoy the rela­xed atmo­sphe­re of the neigh­bour­hoods - espe­ci­al­ly in Neu­kölln. If you are loo­king for deli­cious cock­tails, you can also go to "Nathan­ja & Hein­rich" in Wei­chel­stra­ße, which is famous for its Gin Basil Smash. Neu­kölln also has many live music venues, for exam­p­le "Donau115", a small jazz bar that has gai­ned an inter­na­tio­nal repu­ta­ti­on; the near­by "Pracht­werk" and "Vil­la Neu­kölln" heat things up with a varie­ty of sounds, from indie rock to swing (the­re are also more unu­su­al live music venues, such as "Same­heads" or "Loopho­le"). The­re are also ple­nty of elec­tro­nic beats and night par­ties in Neu­kölln. Popu­lar clubs include the "Griess­müh­le" on the canal with seve­ral dance flo­ors, indoor and out­door are­as. Or the "Lof­tus Hall" or the "SchwuZ", an LGBTQ-fri­end­ly club on Rollbergstraße.

Cafés and restaurants

Whe­ther "Monella" or "W-Piz­za", both restau­rants offer deli­cious Nea­po­li­tan-style piz­zas with fluffy dough and ingre­di­ents from Ita­ly, pre­pared in wood-fired ovens. The­re are also solid break­fast and brunch opti­ons such as "Hall­mann und Klee" or "Roamers". The­re are also count­less opti­ons for quick and cheap food: the "Saha­ra Imbiss" ser­ves Suda­ne­se kebabs, "Ban Ban Ban Kit­chen" is Kore­an street food to try in Her­mann­stra­ße, the "Bim­bim-Scha­len" makes bur­gers and kim­chi fries, "Ber­lin­bur­ger Inter­na­tio­nal" is loca­ted in Panierstraße.

Art and culture

"Klun­ker­kra­nich" is the name of one of Neukölln's most popu­lar bars. It extends over the top flo­or of the Neu­kölln Arca­den mul­ti-storey car park, which is a plea­su­re in sun­ny wea­ther and invi­tes you to catch a few rays of suns­hi­ne after uni­ver­si­ty or work and admi­re Ber­lin from abo­ve. The­re is also food and live music, and occa­sio­nal­ly even mar­kets. The ent­rance can be found via the lift in the shop­ping cent­re on Karl-Marx-Stra­ße. Near­by is also the "Kindl Braue­rei", an old bre­wery that has been con­ver­ted into a space for con­tem­po­ra­ry art. The upper flo­ors also offer a fan­ta­stic view of the city. On the ground flo­or the­re is a spec­ta­cu­lar café in the midd­le of the old disu­s­ed bre­wing vats. When it comes to art, the dis­trict goes all out once a year for 48 hours - at the art fes­ti­val, which offers a colourful mix of open shop­ping oppor­tu­ni­ties, churches and small art exhi­bi­ti­ons as well as con­certs in the neighbourhoods.

Parks and leisure

Tem­pel­ho­fer Feld, the for­mer air­port that clo­sed its doors in 2008, is loca­ted on the wes­tern edge of Neu­kölln. Today you can walk, run, cycle or even ice skate in win­ter on the old run­ways and taxi­ways. The­re are also are­as for fly­ing kites, kite long­boar­ding and land wind­sur­fing. The total park size is 303 hec­ta­res and, unli­ke other city parks, has a raw charm. A citi­zens' refe­ren­dum in 2014 deci­ded that the park would not be deve­lo­ped or built on. Ano­ther park in the dis­trict is the maje­s­tic "Kör­ner­park". Desi­gned in the ear­ly 1900s in the style of a neo-baro­que palace gar­den, it is an ide­al place to sun­ba­the in sum­mer and enjoy the unspoilt natu­re. Then the­re is the "Hasen­hei­de". The gras­sy are­as are per­fect for pic­nics in the sha­de of trees, and the­re is even a place whe­re open-air cine­ma and karao­ke are offe­red in sum­mer, as well as a bar for drinks.

Transport and location

Neu­kölln is loca­ted in the south of the city, within the ring rail­way. The dis­trict is well con­nec­ted to the rest of Ber­lin: The­re are U-Bahn lines run­ning north to Mit­te and Prenz­lau­er Berg and west to Char­lot­ten­burg, while the S-Bahn runs almost ever­y­whe­re throug­hout the city. Schö­ne­feld Air­port, curr­ent­ly Berlin's second lar­gest air­port, from which many low-cost air­lines depart, can be easi­ly rea­ched by train or bus. 

Did you already know?

Neu­köln (inten­tio­nal­ly spelt with an 'l') is an instru­men­tal pie­ce by David Bowie, the ninth track on his 1977 album Heroes.


You real­ly want to live in beau­tiful Neu­kölln? Take a look at all the rooms curr­ent­ly available in your favou­ri­te district.

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South-west of the capi­tal city cent­re, you can enjoy...
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Edu­ca­ti­on, cul­tu­re, natu­re: Char­lot­ten­burg has it all. Quaint cafés and wine taverns enrich the...
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Schö­ne­berg is loca­ted half­way bet­ween the par­ty neigh­bour­hoods in the east and the more ele­gant, quieter...
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The U3 under­ground sta­ti­ons are remi­nis­cent of Berlin's for­mer sple­ndour. At Hei­del­ber­ger Platz, the underground...
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Neu­kölln is one of the most popu­lar and exci­ting neigh­bour­hoods in Ber­lin, with a multicultural...
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Sur­roun­ded by water on all sides, with the Spree as its sou­thern bor­der, Moa­bit is one of the...
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Loca­ted to the east of Berlin's city cent­re, Lich­ten­berg is an up-and-coming dis­trict that is popu­lar with young...
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To the south of the city cent­re, Kreuz­berg - also known as X-berg - offers a mix­tu­re of green,...
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Loca­ted in the east of Ber­lin, Fried­richs­hain is a dis­trict full of histo­ry: on Karl-Marx-Allee...
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Wed­ding has been a con­stant­ly up-and-coming neigh­bour­hood for years - as a graf­fi­to in a bar...
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Prenzlauer Berg

With long streets lined with clas­sic resi­den­ti­al faca­des, green ave­nues, small parks and fashion shops, Prenz­lau­er Berg is undoub­ted­ly one of the most beau­tiful neigh­bour­hoods in the city - and one of the most desi­ra­ble to live in.
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