
Schö­ne­berg is loca­ted half­way bet­ween the par­ty neigh­bour­hoods in the east and the more ele­gant, quie­ter sub­urbs in the west of Ber­lin. With gre­at bars and restau­rants, beau­tiful resi­den­ti­al streets and mar­kets, Schö­ne­berg is a mix of romance and fun. Sin­ce the 1920s, the area around Nol­len­dorf­platz has been a cent­re of night­li­fe for homo­se­xu­als in Ber­lin. The annu­al Pri­de para­de, Chris­to­pher Street Day (CSD), is one of the big­gest street fes­ti­vals in Europe.

Get to know your neighbourhood

Markets and shopping facilities

In Schö­ne­berg you can shop wit­hout end. Berlin's most famous depart­ment stores', the Kauf­haus des Wes­tens, is loca­ted on Wit­ten­berg­platz, whe­re under­ground lines 1 and 2 con­nect. Or KaDe­We for short. The­re are also many other lar­ge shops in the neighbourhood.
Schö­ne­berg also has a num­ber of good mar­kets. A mar­ket with fruit and vege­ta­bles, flowers, cheese, house­hold goods and clot­hing is held twice a week (Wed­nes­days and Satur­days) on Win­ter­feldt­platz. In front of Schö­ne­berg town hall, the­re is a lively flea mar­ket every Satur­day and Sun­day. Many of the sel­lers here are pri­va­te indi­vi­du­als rather than hard-boi­led, pro­fes­sio­nal ven­dors, so it's easy to pick up a bargain.


Schö­ne­berg is known for its fri­end­ly and loud bars, whe­re drinks flow late into the night. The "Green Door", for exam­p­le, is a pub that can only be ente­red via an incon­spi­cuous ent­rance door with a bell - if the door­men let you in. Insi­de, you will find a quir­ky inte­ri­or and a bar with an exten­si­ve cock­tail list. Ano­ther bar in this vein is "Stag­ger Lee". Cocok­tails are also cus­to­mi­sed here. The "Rote Bee­te" is a litt­le more digni­fied. Live music is play­ed here at the weekend.

Cafés and restaurants

Aka­zi­en­stra­ße and the sur­roun­ding neigh­bour­hood are known for their diver­se sel­ec­tion of restau­rants and cafés, rela­xed sur­roun­dings and ple­nty of out­door space. For a mor­ning cof­fee and a crois­sant, head to "Gast­haus Gott­lob", a popu­lar café and lunch spot. For a quick snack, the "Schla­raf­fen­land" ser­ves deli­cious kum­pir, the Tur­ki­sh ver­si­on of a jacket pota­to. The Aka­zi­en­kiez neigh­bour­hood also has many cafés that are sui­ta­ble as night­clubs: The "Café Bil­der­buch", for exam­p­le, is a Ber­lin insti­tu­ti­on that offers cakes, cof­fee and savou­ry dis­hes. It has a cosy back room with sofas, rea­ding mate­ri­al and a pia­no and occa­sio­nal­ly offers live music.

Art and culture

One of the latest muse­ums to open in Ber­lin is "Urban Nati­on", an exhi­bi­ti­on of street art, inclu­ding local graf­fi­ti artists. As part of the ope­ning, many of the apart­ment blocks around the muse­um in Bülow­stra­ße had psy­che­de­lic murals pain­ted on their faca­des. Admis­si­on to the muse­um is free. Schö­ne­berg was the famous home of David Bowie, who lived in a flat at 155 Haupt­stra­ße in the 1970s. Bowie fans can visit some of his favou­ri­te places, inclu­ding the "Neue Ufer", a café and wine bar.

Parks and leisure

Schö­ne­berg is green. The "Hein­rich-von-Kleist-Park" was the ori­gi­nal site of the Bota­ni­cal Gar­dens in Ber­lin (which was moved to Dah­lem in 1910), and today the artis­tic park attracts sun wor­ship­pers and jog­gers. The Schö­ne­berg "Süd­ge­län­de Park", a for­mer dere­lict rail­way site, is quite dif­fe­rent: after it was decom­mis­sio­ned in the 1950s, natu­re took over! It has recent­ly been trans­for­med into a public park, with rai­sed walk­ways, art instal­la­ti­ons and the his­to­ric rail­way sta­ti­on buil­dings are used for cul­tu­ral events. Cool off on hot sum­mer days with a trip on the S1 from Schö­ne­berg to Schlach­ten­see, Niko­las­see or Wann­see, the popu­lar bathing lakes whe­re you can relax under the trees and get away from it all.

Transport and location

Schö­ne­berg is cen­tral­ly loca­ted bet­ween Kreuz­berg and Char­lot­ten­burg. The U1, U2 and U7 offer good con­nec­tions to Neu­kölln, Kreuz­berg, Mit­te and Prenz­lau­er Berg as well as to the west. The­re are also S-Bahn opti­ons via the Ring Bahn and the S1. Cyclists also have many good rou­tes to Mit­te and other neighbourhoods.

Did you already know?

The steps of Schö­ne­berg Town Hall were the place whe­re US Pre­si­dent John F. Ken­ne­dy gave his famous "Ich bin ein Ber­li­ner" speech.

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South-west of the capi­tal city cent­re, you can enjoy...
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Edu­ca­ti­on, cul­tu­re, natu­re: Char­lot­ten­burg has it all. Quaint cafés and wine taverns enrich the...
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Schö­ne­berg is loca­ted half­way bet­ween the par­ty neigh­bour­hoods in the east and the more ele­gant, quieter...
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The U3 under­ground sta­ti­ons are remi­nis­cent of Berlin's for­mer sple­ndour. At Hei­del­ber­ger Platz, the underground...
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Neu­kölln is one of the most popu­lar and exci­ting neigh­bour­hoods in Ber­lin, with a multicultural...
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Sur­roun­ded by water on all sides, with the Spree as its sou­thern bor­der, Moa­bit is one of the...
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Loca­ted to the east of Berlin's city cent­re, Lich­ten­berg is an up-and-coming dis­trict that is popu­lar with young...
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To the south of the city cent­re, Kreuz­berg - also known as X-berg - offers a mix­tu­re of green,...
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Loca­ted in the east of Ber­lin, Fried­richs­hain is a dis­trict full of histo­ry: on Karl-Marx-Allee...
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Wed­ding has been a con­stant­ly up-and-coming neigh­bour­hood for years - as a graf­fi­to in a bar...
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Prenzlauer Berg

With long streets lined with clas­sic resi­den­ti­al faca­des, green ave­nues, small parks and fashion shops, Prenz­lau­er Berg is undoub­ted­ly one of the most beau­tiful neigh­bour­hoods in the city - and one of the most desi­ra­ble to live in.
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