Prenzlauer Berg

With long streets lined with clas­sic resi­den­ti­al faca­des, green ave­nues, small parks and fashion shops, Prenz­lau­er Berg is undoub­ted­ly one of the most beau­tiful neigh­bour­hoods in the city - and one of the most desi­ra­ble to live in. Form­er­ly loca­ted in East Ber­lin, the sub­urb with its apart­ment blocks was exten­si­ve­ly reno­va­ted and moder­nis­ed after the fall of the Ber­lin Wall. Sin­ce then, the­re has been a ste­ady influx of new­co­mers, making the neigh­bour­hood one of the tren­diest in the city.

Get to know your neighbourhood

Markets and shopping facilities

Koll­witz­stra­ße is home to an orga­nic mar­ket on Satur­days and Thurs­days with orga­nic pro­du­ce, food, crafts and the occa­sio­nal street artist (the weekend mar­ket is big­ger). A real high­light is the flea mar­ket in Mau­er­park, which takes place every Sun­day in the area next to the park and whe­re you can shop for ever­y­thing from vin­ta­ge clot­hing and vinyl records to deli­ca­ci­es from all over the world, such as Japa­ne­se pan­ca­kes, Ita­li­an sand­wi­ches and sugar cane juice from Cos­ta Rica. Howe­ver, the main attrac­tion is not the mar­ket its­elf, but the fes­ti­val atmo­sphe­re in Mau­er Park, whe­re you can find pic­nics, spon­ta­neous bas­ket­ball games or new murals, as well as live bands, street artists and acro­bats try­ing to wow the crowds. The big­gest draw is the karao­ke event in the Bären­gru­be, an amphi­theat­re, with seve­ral hundred visi­tors. This hap­py tra­di­ti­on seems to con­ti­nue, despi­te com­plaints from neigh­bou­ring resi­dents about the noise.


There's a gre­at bar on every cor­ner in Prenz­lau­er Berg. Beckett's Kopf is one of them. You can enjoy high-qua­li­ty drinks made from exqui­si­te ingre­di­ents in com­for­ta­ble uphols­te­red arm­chairs. The spi­rits come from sel­ec­ted micro-distil­lers. Tho­se in the mood for enter­tain­ment are in good hands at the Zum Star­ken August bar. The crowd here is as mixed as the inte­ri­or. Events such as porn karao­ke, a bin­go evening and bur­les­que shows take place here regularly. 

Cafés and restaurants

Every cor­ner of Prenz­lau­er Berg has its own charm. Around Koll­witz­platz, named after the Ger­man artist Käthe Koll­witz, the­re are tren­dy bars and restau­rants ever­y­whe­re. Near­by is the Prenz­lau­er Berg water tower, Berlin's oldest water tower (now a resi­den­ti­al buil­ding). The­re is a small park at the base, but around the tower are a num­ber of spe­cial restau­rants that have long been part of the Ber­lin sce­ne - inclu­ding "Pas­ter­nak", which ser­ves Rus­si­an food. If you head north along Ryker­stras­se from the­re, you will find cof­fee hou­ses and cafés to the right and left along the side streets. Ano­ther favou­ri­te place for locals and tou­rists ali­ke is Oder­ber­ger Stra­ße and the sur­roun­ding streets. Vin­ta­ge clo­thes shops are ever­y­whe­re here, many dis­play­ing their fashions on out­door clo­thes racks on the pave­ment. The­re are also num­e­rous popu­lar restau­rants and bars, for exam­p­le in the "Bonan­za" (they also have a roas­tery in Kreuz­berg). Near­by is the "Pra­ter Bier­gar­ten", which is said to be the oldest beer gar­den in Ber­lin. It's a gre­at place for a drink or sau­sa­ge in the sun after work. Access is through an alley from Kas­ta­ni­en­al­lee and the­re is ple­nty of space to lock up a bike. Fur­ther north is Helm­holtz­kiez, around Geth­se­ma­ne Church, whe­re streets such as Pap­pel­al­lee, Lyche­ner­stra­ße and Star­gar­der Stra­ße are full of restau­rants and cafés, inclu­ding the ice cream par­lour Hokey Pokey, one of the city's most popu­lar ice cream parlours.

Art and culture

Prenz­lau­er Berg lacks muse­ums, which you are more likely to find in neigh­bou­ring Mit­te. But the­re are a num­ber of inte­res­t­ing cul­tu­ral venues, you just have to know exact­ly whe­re: Bars and small clubs regu­lar­ly orga­ni­se con­certs. The Kul­tur­braue­rei, for exam­p­le, has seve­ral venues, inclu­ding a theat­re and a cine­ma as well as dance clubs. And open-air per­for­man­ces and mar­kets take place on the lar­ge cen­tral squa­re. If you want to look into other worlds, you can visit the Zeiss Groß­pla­ne­ta­ri­um, one of the lar­gest star thea­tres in Europe.

Parks and leisure

Prenz­lau­er Berg has many small parks and play­grounds throug­hout the dis­trict. Sports fields can be found in Volks­park Fried­richs­hain or Fried­rich-Lud­wig-Jahn-Sport­park. Tho­se loo­king for some soli­tu­de amidst the hust­le and bust­le of the city will find it in Lei­se Park, which was ope­ned in 2011 on the site of a for­mer ceme­tery. It's a per­fect place to read a book or take a walk to rech­ar­ge your batteries. 

Transport and location

Prenz­lau­er Berg is loca­ted to the north of Mit­te and has good under­ground, tram and long-distance trans­port con­nec­tions. Trams run west­wards through Mit­te to the main rail­way sta­ti­on or east­wards to Fried­richs­hain and War­schau­er­stra­ße on the bor­der with Kreuz­berg. The under­ground line U2 con­nects to Alex­an­der­platz in Mit­te and then con­ti­nues to West Ber­lin, inclu­ding Schö­ne­berg and Char­lot­ten­burg. Mean­while, the S-Bahn runs to the west and east and offers con­nec­tions to both Ber­lin airports.

Did you already know?

The dis­trict of Prenz­lau­er Berg is a popu­lar place to rai­se child­ren and has one of the hig­hest birth rates in the who­le of Germany. 

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Prenzlauer Berg

With long streets lined with clas­sic resi­den­ti­al faca­des, green ave­nues, small parks and fashion shops, Prenz­lau­er Berg is undoub­ted­ly one of the most beau­tiful neigh­bour­hoods in the city - and one of the most desi­ra­ble to live in.
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