
South of the city cent­re, Kreuz­berg - also known as X-berg - offers a mix­tu­re of green, quiet resi­den­ti­al streets and fashionable shops and restau­rants with bars that stay open late into the night. For good reason, this neigh­bour­hood has long been one of the most popu­lar in the city. Its graf­fi­tied walls and street art murals high up on the sides of buil­dings attract tou­rists who want a glim­pse of alter­na­ti­ve Ber­lin. Once a working-class neigh­bour­hood with a high pro­por­ti­on of immi­grants and a repu­ta­ti­on for afforda­ble housing, Kreuz­berg has under­go­ne mas­si­ve chan­ges in recent years. In the 1990s and 2000s, the dis­trict hel­ped to put Ber­lin on the world map as a cent­re for crea­ti­vi­ty, art and night­li­fe. To this day, the dis­trict reta­ins many of its charms - from the impo­sing indus­tri­al buil­dings to the many fruit and street mar­kets and more recent arri­vals for crea­ti­ve pro­fes­sio­nals and expats who now call Kreuz­berg home. In Kreuzberg's bust­ling streets, espe­ci­al­ly in the Berg­mann­kiez neigh­bour­hood and bet­ween Her­mann­platz and May­bach­ufer, you'll find small fami­ly shops as well as popu­lar cafés and boutiques.

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Markets and shopping facilities

From quir­ky bou­ti­ques such as the "Hal­le­sches Haus" and the "Voo Store" to lar­ge spe­cia­li­ty shops such as the ulti­ma­te arts and crafts shop "Modul­or" or the near­by "Jus­t­Mu­sic", which has almost ever­y­thing you need for music on five flo­ors - Kreuz­berg has it all (even recor­ding stu­di­os whe­re you can test the instru­ments or equip­ment). Shop­ping oppor­tu­ni­ties include the Tur­ki­sh mar­ket along the Land­wehr Canal on the bor­der bet­ween Kreuz­berg and Neu­kölln. Or the "Markt­hal­le Neun", which has been open sin­ce 1891 and is still a hit when it comes to rare, local and spe­cia­li­ty foods and spi­rits. Every Thurs­day evening, for exam­p­le, the lar­ge hall is full of street food and deli­ca­ci­es ran­ging from meat and cheese to wine.


Kreuz­berg is par­ti­cu­lar­ly acti­ve at night - the night is tur­ned into day in the diver­se live music cen­tres, smo­ky bars and huge and small clubs. The "Tre­sor", for exam­p­le, is known for its tech­no and is loca­ted in a huge disu­s­ed power sta­ti­on that also hosts events, inclu­ding "Ber­lin Ato­nal", one of Berlin's lea­ding fes­ti­vals for elec­tro­nic music and visu­al arts. Down by Schle­si­sches Tor is the legen­da­ry Was­ser­tor with a mar­vell­ous view of the river from its dance flo­ors. A litt­le fur­ther on was the legen­da­ry "Club der Visio­nä­re", whe­re drinks were sip­ped under wil­low trees with a view of the canal and peo­p­le danced the night away. Unfort­u­na­te­ly, it burnt down in sum­mer 2019. Rei­chen­ber­ger Stra­ße is an up-and-coming night­li­fe venue with num­e­rous bars. "Boh­nen­gold", for exam­p­le, is a mix­tu­re of bar and club - you can have a quiet drink and chat in the front, while a club room is hid­den away at the back, play­ing house music or fun­ky disco.

Cafés and restaurants

Kreuz­berg has one of the most diver­se culina­ry sce­nes in Ber­lin, from ups­ca­le restau­rants such as "Lode & Sti­jn", the tra­di­tio­nal Ger­man restau­rant "Zur klei­nen Markt­hal­le" or the near­by "Hen­ne", an old Ber­lin tavern (the cris­py fried chi­cken is high­ly recom­men­ded). The­re is also no shorta­ge of Mexi­can, Peru­vi­an, Japa­ne­se and Ita­li­an restau­rants. On May­bach­ufer, for exam­p­le, you will find "Coco­lo Ramen", which is famous bey­ond the dis­trict boun­da­ries. Howe­ver, the Kreuz­berg gas­tro­no­my sce­ne is also known for its Tur­ki­sh and Ara­bic cui­sine, with the "Mer­can", the "Maroush" (Leba­ne­se) and the Bara­ka (Egyp­ti­an-Moroc­can) being very popu­lar. Bet­ween Kott­bus­ser Tor and Schle­si­sches Tor are inex­pen­si­ve restau­rants that are open late into the night. 

Art and culture

The­re is a good sel­ec­tion of art gal­le­ries and muse­ums in the dis­trict. The "Kunst­raum Kreuzberg/Bethanien" is loca­ted in an old hos­pi­tal buil­ding on Mari­an­nen­platz and often hosts lar­ge exhi­bi­ti­ons in its spa­cious room. The "König Gale­rie", which is loca­ted in a reno­va­ted bru­ta­list church, is known for its for­ward-loo­king exhi­bi­ti­ons of Ger­man and inter­na­tio­nal artists. And near­by the "Ber­li­ni­sche Gale­rie" is a muse­um of modern art with an impres­si­ve per­ma­nent coll­ec­tion of 20th cen­tu­ry pain­tings, as well as fre­quent­ly chan­ging avant-gar­de art, pho­to­gra­phy and archi­tec­tu­ral exhibitions.

Parks and leisure

The "Gör­lit­zer Park" is a popu­lar mee­ting place for Kreuz­berg, which cat­ches the sun in the late after­noon. Pic­nics, drinks or fris­bee games, visi­tors are often enter­tai­ned by acro­bats or a drum cir­cle. The "Vik­to­ria­park" is loca­ted in the Berg­mann­kiez neigh­bour­hood: a walk the­re offers a pan­o­r­amic view over the who­le of Ber­lin. The park also has a 24 met­re high water­fall whe­re the water falls over rocks and bould­ers (an elec­tric pump brings the water back up again). The park is also note­wor­t­hy for other reasons: the cross loca­ted at the view­point gave Kreuz­berg its name. Near­by is the "Park am Gleis­drei­eck", one of the newer parks in the city, which is home to his­to­ric rail­way tracks, the Ger­man Muse­um of Tech­no­lo­gy and a series of old brick buil­dings, bet­ween which con­certs and events are often held. The park has lar­ge sports and pic­nic are­as, children's play­grounds, bas­ket­ball courts and lanes for skate­boar­ders, as well as a café and a beer gar­den with a brewery.

Transport and location

Kreuz­berg stret­ches from Check­point Char­lie, on the edge of the Mit­te dis­trict, east­wards along the River Spree to Fried­richs­hain. To the south is Tem­pel­ho­fer Feld, the disu­s­ed air­port, which is now a huge park. The Land­wehr Canal marks the divi­si­on bet­ween Kreuz­berg and Neu­kölln (and then south along Schön­lein Stras­se), alt­hough the two sub­urbs share many simi­lar cha­rac­te­ristics and in com­bi­na­ti­on are coll­ec­tively nick­na­med Kreuz­kölln. Kreuz­berg is well con­nec­ted to the rest of the city via the U-Bahn and bus net­work. The­re are under­ground lines north to Mit­te and Prenz­lau­er Berg, south to Neu­kölln and the U1 - Berlin's oldest under­ground line - takes you east and west to Fried­richs­hain and Charlottenburg. 

Did you already know?

When the Ber­lin Wall still exis­ted, the Kreuz­berg sec­tion SO36 (pos­tal deli­very dis­trict Süd­ost 36, bor­de­ring on Mit­te and Trep­tow) was sur­roun­ded by the Wall on three sides.

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Loca­ted to the east of Berlin's city cent­re, Lich­ten­berg is an up-and-coming dis­trict that is popu­lar with young...
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To the south of the city cent­re, Kreuz­berg - also known as X-berg - offers a mix­tu­re of green,...
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Loca­ted in the east of Ber­lin, Fried­richs­hain is a dis­trict full of histo­ry: on Karl-Marx-Allee...
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Wed­ding has been a con­stant­ly up-and-coming neigh­bour­hood for years - as a graf­fi­to in a bar...
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Prenzlauer Berg

With long streets lined with clas­sic resi­den­ti­al faca­des, green ave­nues, small parks and fashion shops, Prenz­lau­er Berg is undoub­ted­ly one of the most beau­tiful neigh­bour­hoods in the city - and one of the most desi­ra­ble to live in.
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