
Wed­ding has been a con­stant­ly up-and-coming neigh­bour­hood for years - as a graf­fi­to in a bar puts it: "Wed­ding is not hip, it's just good". Many Ber­li­ners and new­co­mers are dis­co­ve­ring the charm of Wed­ding. With the Beuth Uni­ver­si­ty of Appli­ed Sci­en­ces Ber­lin (BHT) in the cent­re and other major uni­ver­si­ties near­by, Wed­ding is popu­lar with stu­dents. It is also one of Berlin's gree­nest neigh­bour­hoods, with seve­ral lar­ge parks and swim­ming lakes.

Get to know your neighbourhood

Markets and shopping facilities

A lar­ge flea mar­ket is held on Leo­pold­platz on Satur­day mor­nings. The main shop­ping street is Mül­lerstra­ße, whe­re many lar­ge shops and super­mar­kets can be found. The­re are also a num­ber of second-hand thrift shops in the quie­ter streets around Leopoldplatz.


Wed­ding has a num­ber of bars that are con­nec­ted to bre­we­ries, whe­re you can often get uni­que beers on the table. The "Vaga­bund Braue­rei", for exam­p­le, is a small craft beer bar on Ant­wer­pe­ner Stra­ße. The bar is so small and fri­end­ly that you can't help but get to know the other guests. Near­by on Trift­stra­ße is "Eschen­bräu", a lar­ge venue with an out­door beer gar­den that is very popu­lar with stu­dents. The beer sel­ec­tion includes its own crea­ti­ons such as "Wed­di­na­tor" and "Pan­ke Gold". A night­li­fe cent­re with a num­ber of cour­ty­ards is loca­ted on Gericht­stra­ße, whe­re popu­lar bars or clubs with regu­lar live music can be found. The­se include "Ani­ta Ber­ber", a sty­lish cock­tail bar that dou­bles as a small night­club, and "Pan­ke", a more bohe­mi­an choice whe­re they regu­lar­ly host open mic nights, live con­certs and DJs. The­re are also seve­ral tren­dy bars in the are­as: the "Klei­ne Bar", in Hoch­stra­ße, and "The Fors­berg", in Gericht­stra­ße, ope­ned by the artist Charles Fors­berg, who uses the bar as an exhi­bi­ti­on space for his works, but also mixes deli­cious cock­tails or has them mixed. The "Mas­tul Kunst und Kul­tur Ver­ein" also regu­lar­ly orga­ni­s­es live con­certs, poet­ry and stand-up come­dy in Lie­ben­wal­der Stra­ße. For a more rau­cous evening, head to "Kugel­bahn Wed­ding" on Grün­ta­ler Stra­ße, a smo­ky bar with an old skitt­le alley on the ground flo­or, live con­certs and DJs.

Cafés and restaurants

One of the most popu­lar places to eat in Wed­ding is Spren­gel­kiez, with many restau­rants and cafés to choo­se from, with out­door sea­ting, and ple­nty of peo­p­le wat­ching. Near the Nord­ufer, the­re are also a num­ber of Ger­man restau­rants and bars in pic­tures­que Wil­hel­mi­ni­an-style buil­dings. Popu­lar restau­rants else­whe­re in the neigh­bour­hood include "El Pepe", a Spa­nish tapas restau­rant on Prin­zen­al­lee with a wide sel­ec­tion of food, wines and beers; as well as "Stra­ne­ro" on Lie­ben­wal­der Stra­ße, a popu­lar piz­ze­ria. In terms of pos­si­bly lower bud­get opti­ons, the dis­trict has an exten­si­ve ran­ge of Tur­ki­sh and Ara­bic cui­sine, such as the "Imren Grill" and "Fal­a­fel Dream 2010", both on Mül­lerstra­ße. Or the "Akko Restau­rant" in Pank­stra­ße. Also worth a visit is the "Rebel Room", which ser­ves deli­cious bur­gers. The­re are many cosy cafés in Mal­plaquet­stra­ße - inclu­ding the "Cafe Lar­go", or in Naza­reth­kirch­stra­ße the "GàTô", a patis­se­rie that pro­du­ces wicked­ly good cakes and pastries. With its airy design, the "Mira­ge Bis­t­rot" in Rei­ni­cken­dor­fer Stra­ße ser­ves French and Medi­ter­ra­ne­an-Ara­bic cui­sine and offers brunch on Sun­days. "Cof­fee Star" in Mül­lerstra­ße is also a good address for cof­fee with fresh­ly roas­ted beans.

Art and culture

Wed­ding has a num­ber of new cul­tu­ral venues to offer: at the top of the list is "Silent Green", an old cre­ma­to­ri­um that has been reno­va­ted and con­ver­ted into a space for events, con­certs, art exhi­bi­ti­ons and a café. Many of Wedding's best spots are hid­den away. On the Pan­ke you will find "Café Dujar­din", whe­re jazz evenings take place regu­lar­ly. The Pia­no Salon Chris­to­pho­ri, a hid­den gem that orga­ni­s­es clas­si­cal music evenings in a sur­pri­sin­gly lar­ge space, is also loca­ted on the river­si­de road. The river­si­de stu­di­os are loca­ted along the river in a his­to­ric brick buil­ding. Here you can watch dance stu­dents warm­ing up befo­re rehear­sals, but the stu­di­os also regu­lar­ly orga­ni­se con­tem­po­ra­ry dance per­for­man­ces. For film fans, the City Kino Wed­ding plays modern films and regu­lar­ly hosts film fes­ti­vals with a small café/bar whe­re you can relax befo­re a scree­ning or buy a wine or beer. In sum­mer, you can also visit the open-air cine­ma "Reh­ber­ge", which shows films in a 1500-seat amphi­theat­re sur­roun­ded by lush, green trees - a per­fect place for warm sum­mer evenings.

Parks and leisure

Pic­ni­cking and sun­bathing in the "Schil­ler­park" is a gre­at thing. The­re are also sports fields and a magni­fi­cent monu­ment to the poet and play­w­right Fried­rich Schil­ler. The "Hum­boldt­hain", near Gesund­brun­nen sta­ti­on, is a popu­lar place for jog­gers and also has a rose gar­den for some peace and quiet among the colourful flowers. The flak towers from the Second World War are a remin­der of Berlin's past, but are now a popu­lar tou­rist attrac­tion. From the towers you have a mar­vell­ous view over the west and north of Ber­lin as far as the "Teu­fels­berg". The park also has a public swim­ming pool and an art gal­lery - "Tro­pez" - with exhi­bi­ti­ons and per­for­man­ces. The lar­gest park in Wed­ding is the "Volks­park Reh­ber­ge" with an area of around 78 hec­ta­res. The­re are pic­tures­que lakes, sports fields, a café and an open-air cine­ma. On the south-wes­tern edge of the park is the Plöt­zen­see, one of the best lakes in the city cent­re and a popu­lar place for sun­bathing and swim­ming in sum­mer. The­re is also a place whe­re you can hire boats. And if you want to sun­ba­the on the beach, head to the "Strand­bad Plöt­zen­see" - also sui­ta­ble for fami­lies, pre­fer­a­b­ly at the back, in the sha­de of tall trees. Fur­ther north the­re is the "Flug­ha­fen­see" or "Tege­ler See" (from Leo­pold­platz with the U6).

Transport and location

North of the cent­re of Ber­lin, Wed­ding is well con­nec­ted to Mit­te, inclu­ding Hum­boldt Uni­ver­si­ty, via the U6 under­ground line or a short cycle ride. From Oslo­er Stra­ße, the U8 runs via Alex­an­der­platz to Kreuz­berg and Neu­kölln. The S-Bahn runs through Wed­ding, with good con­nec­tions to East and West Ber­lin, inclu­ding Tegel and Schö­ne­feld airports. 

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Prenzlauer Berg

With long streets lined with clas­sic resi­den­ti­al faca­des, green ave­nues, small parks and fashion shops, Prenz­lau­er Berg is undoub­ted­ly one of the most beau­tiful neigh­bour­hoods in the city - and one of the most desi­ra­ble to live in.
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