
The U3 under­ground sta­ti­ons are remi­nis­cent of Berlin's for­mer sple­ndour. At Hei­del­ber­ger Platz, the sta­ti­on resem­bles a cathe­dral with a high vaul­ted cei­ling. At Hohen­zol­lern­platz, pas­sen­gers can admi­re pho­to­graphs of the Hohen­zol­lern Palace while wai­ting for the next train. It's a good intro­duc­tion to the dis­trict, which is cha­rac­te­ri­sed by a mix of pre-war archi­tec­tu­re and quiet resi­den­ti­al streets pai­red with the shab­bi­ness typi­cal of Ber­lin. Alt­hough less hyped than other popu­lar dis­tricts in the city, Wil­mers­dorf is very well recei­ved by its resi­dents. The dis­trict is quiet and safe, offers a varie­ty of good restau­rants and parks as well as quick con­nec­tions to the rest of the city. On top of that, you're just a stone's throw away from Charlottenburg's shop­ping streets and Schöneberg's lively bar scene.

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Markets and shopping facilities

Wil­mers­dorf is home to a legen­da­ry event that attracts crowds from all over the city. Every weekend when the wea­ther is good, Preu­ßen­park is trans­for­med into Thai Park. The­re are seve­ral stalls sel­ling Asi­an spe­cia­li­ties and snacks, and not just from Thai ven­dors. This event, which is popu­lar with fami­lies, has been taking place for more than 20 years. Under colourful para­sols on raf­fia mats, Thai women sell a varie­ty of home­ma­de Thai food. Many only sell a few sel­ec­ted dis­hes, so it is a good idea to try some­thing from many of the ven­dors. Favou­ri­tes include nood­le soups with beef or pork, som tam (papa­ya salad), the clas­sic pad thai, spring and sum­mer rolls or saku sai moo - stea­m­ed tapio­ca dum­plings, which are a mix­tu­re of sal­ty, spi­cy and sweet. Even unu­su­al dis­hes such as gras­shop­pers or other insects are on offer. Des­serts on offer include fried bana­na, cre­pes or man­go sti­cky rice as well as cock­tails, iced tea, juices and other drinks. Our tip: Many dis­hes are sold in dis­posable pla­s­tic cro­ckery, so it is a good idea to bring your own if you want to pro­tect the envi­ron­ment. The dis­trict also has other mar­kets. At Fehr­bel­li­ner Platz ('Fehr­bi') the­re is a weekly mar­ket on Tues­days and Thurs­days and a flea mar­ket at weekends. The weekly mar­ket has many stalls with a wide sel­ec­tion, inclu­ding jacket pota­toes, Tur­ki­sh spe­cia­li­ties such as göz­le­me, Rus­si­an spe­cia­li­ties such as pel­me­ni and borsch, Chi­ne­se goods and other ven­dors offe­ring ever­y­thing from piz­za to sand­wi­ches and por­ridge. Alt­hough this weekly mar­ket is less well known and visi­ted than the weekly mar­kets in tren­dy Kreuz­berg, many con­sider the offe­rings to be equal­ly good. The­re are many opti­ons for shop­ping throug­hout the dis­trict, inclu­ding lar­ge shop­ping cen­tres such as the Wil­mers­dor­fer Arcaden. 


Wil­mers­dorf has many sty­lish bars. The best known is cer­tain­ly the Bar jeder Ver­nunft. It is loca­ted in an old dance tent from the turn of the cen­tu­ry and is one of the best addres­ses for caba­ret and come­dy. The cham­pa­gne places, whe­re the menu is com­ple­men­ted with cham­pa­gne by cand­le­light, are par­ti­cu­lar­ly ele­gant. The Pro­vo­ca­teur Bar is loca­ted in the Pro­vo­ca­teur Hotel and is remi­nis­cent of the Gol­den Twen­ties in Ber­lin. Hea­vy vel­vet curta­ins, red vel­vet sofas, dim light­ing and a gol­den bar. The unu­su­al cock­tail crea­ti­ons sur­pri­se with ingre­di­ents such as articho­ke, Cam­pa­ri Espu­ma, prick­ly pear and aloe vera. At weekends, a DJ plays elec­t­ro music. 

Cafés and restaurants

Wil­mers­dorf is home to a varie­ty of reason­ab­ly pri­ced restau­rants such as Shaniu's House of Nood­les, whe­re you can share a lar­ge por­ti­on of stea­m­ed Chi­ne­se dum­plings and other dis­hes. The house spe­cia­li­ty is hand-fold­ed nood­les. Tian Fu is ano­ther restau­rant near­by that spe­cia­li­ses in Szechu­an cui­sine, inclu­ding a fire pot. Other nota­ble restau­rants include Baha­dur, which offers one of the most fla­vourful Indi­an cur­ries, while Thai Art is a good choice for an afforda­ble lunch. During the sum­mer months, Eis­ca­fé Mon­heim can proud­ly call its­elf the city's oldest ice cream par­lour, which has been making ice cream accor­ding to its own fami­ly reci­pe sin­ce 1928. Loca­ted clo­se to the Volks­park, it is the per­fect place for a refres­hing ice cream after a walk.

Art and culture

The dis­trict has a num­ber of live music venues such as Baden­scher Hof, a small but cosy jazz bar and restau­rant. Blackmore's Musik­zim­mer is loca­ted on Warm­brun­ner Str. and offers clas­si­cal and jazz musi­ci­ans the oppor­tu­ni­ty to per­form on a smal­ler sca­le. The­re are seve­ral gal­le­ries around Lud­wig­kirch­platz, inclu­ding Anselm Dre­her, Gale­rie Jans­sen and others, which are part of an acti­ve gal­lery sce­ne across Wil­mers­dorf and Char­lot­ten­burg. The Kom­mu­na­le Gale­rie am Hohen­zol­lern­damm has regu­lar­ly chan­ging exhi­bi­ti­ons, which include pho­to­gra­phy, sculp­tures, pain­tings and illus­tra­ti­ons as well as art fairs. The­re is even an arto­the­que whe­re con­tem­po­ra­ry art by Ber­lin artists can be bor­ro­wed for a peri­od of bet­ween 10 and 20 weeks. If you would like to buy art per­ma­nent­ly, the­re is an art mile on Sun­days at the flea mar­ket on Fehr­bel­li­ner Platz. 

Parks and leisure

Volks­t­park Wil­mers­dorf is known as a para­di­se for jog­gers. It stret­ches over 2.5 kilo­me­t­res and is the lar­gest park in the dis­trict. The park includes sports fields, a mini-golf cour­se, mea­dows for rela­xa­ti­on and a small lake, the Fenn­see. For an out­door expe­ri­ence, a short trip west­wards to Berlin's lar­gest forest, the Gru­ne­wald, is well wort­hwhile. In addi­ti­on to hiking and cycling trails, the­re is a popu­lar swim­ming lake and the ruins of an old Ame­ri­can radar sta­ti­on on the Teu­fels­berg, which offers a uni­que view over the city (ent­rance fee appli­es). The forest bor­ders the Havel and is home to a lar­ge popu­la­ti­on of ani­mals, inclu­ding foxes and wild boar. If you take the U3 south to the ter­mi­nus, you will find the Krum­me Lan­ke, one of the best lakes in Ber­lin, which is per­fect for swim­ming in sum­mer, as well as other lakes and hiking trails that lead into the Wannsee.

Transport and location

Wil­mers­dorf is loca­ted in the west of Ber­lin, neigh­bou­ring Char­lot­ten­burg and Schö­ne­berg. The U3 under­ground line pro­vi­des a con­nec­tion to Kreuz­berg and Fried­richs­hain, while the U9 runs from north to south and the U7 runs to Neu­kölln and on to Rudow, clo­se to Schö­ne­feld Air­port. Tegel Air­port can also be rea­ched via the U7 and then by bus. The S-Bahn also runs via Wil­mers­dorf and offers a con­nec­tion to the who­le of Ber­lin with the Ringbahn. 

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Edu­ca­ti­on, cul­tu­re, natu­re: Char­lot­ten­burg has it all. Quaint cafés and wine taverns enrich the...
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Schö­ne­berg is loca­ted half­way bet­ween the par­ty neigh­bour­hoods in the east and the more ele­gant, quieter...
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The U3 under­ground sta­ti­ons are remi­nis­cent of Berlin's for­mer sple­ndour. At Hei­del­ber­ger Platz, the underground...
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Neu­kölln is one of the most popu­lar and exci­ting neigh­bour­hoods in Ber­lin, with a multicultural...
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Loca­ted to the east of Berlin's city cent­re, Lich­ten­berg is an up-and-coming dis­trict that is popu­lar with young...
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To the south of the city cent­re, Kreuz­berg - also known as X-berg - offers a mix­tu­re of green,...
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Loca­ted in the east of Ber­lin, Fried­richs­hain is a dis­trict full of histo­ry: on Karl-Marx-Allee...
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Wed­ding has been a con­stant­ly up-and-coming neigh­bour­hood for years - as a graf­fi­to in a bar...
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Prenzlauer Berg

With long streets lined with clas­sic resi­den­ti­al faca­des, green ave­nues, small parks and fashion shops, Prenz­lau­er Berg is undoub­ted­ly one of the most beau­tiful neigh­bour­hoods in the city - and one of the most desi­ra­ble to live in.
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